Saturday, December 22, 2007

Assignment #4

The new assignment is going to be something a little different. I have recently revived my interest and respect in typography so for this weeks assignment we will be making comic book logos. the goal is to make something that contributes to the feel of the book while still maintaining legibility and not sacrificing originality. so for example, if your doing a 1930's Italian gangster book you can't just use bodoni because it worked for goodfellas, you have to make it your own somehow.



ok i lied earlier, there isn't a whole lot to say about the piece so i'm not going to try, it was done on bristol with pencil and speedball ink and then a whole bunch of photoshop finished it off. enjoy!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

We suck

hey guys, we took a week off to play a little catch up and this was supposed to be up yesterday. sadly i still failed because not only is it a day late it's a color short (bad puns are usually karl's thing but fuck it). so yeah holiday, family issues and a very fun comic project put me behind but the colors will be up soon and that's when i'll post meandering nonsense about why i drew what i drew. till then i hope you enjoy this. -Dan
P.S. Karl here. And I am WAAAYYYYYY behind. More later. Hopefully soon. I have some anatomy issues to fix, then I'll throw down some varying line widths and some colors. The holidays definitely didn't help in my never-ending quest to catch up with what I'm supposed to be doing.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Assignment #3

Take any animal and saddle it up with a human rider, the more eclectic the better.
The animal does not have to be its actual size in comparison to the human. So giant birds, fish, etc, are just fine.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


"The Land Of Milk And Honey"
I'm actually pretty pleased with this one, i had alot of fun mixing some materials and painting again. I know photoshop is probably faster but i just can't get in the groove with it when i do illustrations. although i did use the computer to add some effects and make some things POP

"To Jump Down Someone's Throat"

This wasn't exactly what I had in mind for this project, but it is my first all digital painting. Done in Photoshop in 7 HOURS. UGH. But I had fun painting that mouth. I found a really cool reference photo to work from of a guy with a throat cam mounted on his uvula. So that was cool. Reminded me of a section in the "Aeon Flux: Herodotus File" book with a series of "still images" from Aeon's throat cam as she blows this guy up after sticking his toe in her mouth.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Assignment #2

From Wikipedia- An IDIOM is an expression (i.e., term or phrase) whose meaning cannot be deduced from the literal definitions and the arrangement of its parts, but refers instead to a figurative meaning that is known only through common use.

Pick an IDIOM and do an illustration based off it.

Sounds like a good creative gray area for some artistic interpretation.
Every Sunday is when we post our art, so check back tomorrow!

In case anyone wants to link us, here is a banner.
